Other timeline without World War 1

What would have happened if the warmongers had not succeeded in 1914, if there had been no First World War? A completely different world would have developed!

  Constitutional monarchy Russia

Suddenly and unexpectedly, there was a coup in Moscow. Nobody had expected it. The German secret weapon Lenin had struck. Without the First World War, Lenin would have remained in the Swiss asylum and Russia would have become a constitutional monarchy.

Russia in the First World War up to the October Revolution (1914 to 1917)

  Black Friday 1929 and depression

An economic bubble would have formed regardless of the First World War. But without the enormous economic consequences of the First World War, the course of events would have been much milder. Particularly in Germany, there would have been no extreme radicals who used the desperation of the population to seize power.

  Second World War

The Second World War had two components: Nazi Germany against the rest of Europe and later against the USA. Japan against Southeast Asia and later against the USA. A peaceful Germany can be assumed. But what about Japan?

Prehistory of the Second World War in the Pacific region

How far could Japanese aggression have been contained? After Hitler came to power in 1933, Japan could assume that Europe would soon be preoccupied with its own problems.

The Japanese were right. In 1941, Great Britain sent only two battleships to put the brakes on Japanese aggression. Both ships were sunk by Japanese fighter planes on December 10, 1941.

Sinking of the HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse

This completely inadequate response to Japanese aggression is understandable. In the North Atlantic, every warship was needed to protect convoys from the USA. In the Mediterranean, every warship was needed to contain the aggression of Nazi Germany and Italy against Malta and North Africa. The Battle of Britain had only ended at the beginning of 1941. Only a tiny fraction of the military potential could be sent to the Far East.

But what would have happened if the League of Nations had been very strong instead of a deltaic shack mocked by Hitler? Perhaps Japan's aggression would not have started at all. Perhaps Japan's aggression would have been stopped very quickly. Instead of just sending HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse to their doom, perhaps a united League of Nations fleet with ships from Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Austria-Hungary and Russia would have set off for the Far East a year or two earlier.

  Famines in the USSR and China

By inventing a new socialist biology, Lysenko gained great influence under Stalin. His cultivation methods were ordered and contributed greatly to major famines. Most recently in China in 1958.

Trofim Denisovich Lysenko.

  The US military industrial complex

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the USA became a huge arms factory run by the Pentagon. During the war years, up to 37% of GNP was invested in the military. This military industrial complex sought its continued existence after the Second World War. The communist threat, the domino theory that one country after another could become communist.

All consequences of Germany using Lenin as a weapon against Russia in the First World War. Without that, US military spending would have remained at pre-1941 levels.

An example of how absurdly high the US military budget is: 40,000 km of high-speed rail in China only cost about 2 years of the US military budget.

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  The consequences of the First World War

What would the world look like today if the warmongers had not succeeded after the assassination on the heir to the throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

After the assassination in Sarajevo in 1914
After the assassination, enthusiasm for the war was stirred up in Austria-Hungary. Completely irresponsible warmongers had no idea of the consequences.

What would the state of the climate crisis be without World War 1?
Perhaps the first climate conference would not have been in Rio in 1992, but in Stockholm in 1932. Perhaps climate change would already be a largely solved problem today.

The balance sheet of the warmongers
An assessment of the consequences of the First World War in a world where it did not take place. Never again, we must learn from it!

          Other timeline without World War 1: What would have happened if the warmongers had not succeeded in 1914, if there had been no First World War? A completely different world would have developed! https://politics.pege.org/world-war-1-consequences/other-timeline.htm

Context description:  politics political