After the assassination in Sarajevo in 1914

After the assassination, enthusiasm for the war was stirred up in Austria-Hungary. Completely irresponsible warmongers had no idea of the consequences.

There are financial advisors. There are legal rules for financial advisors. The financial advisor must inform the customer about the risks of an investment. But what about war advisors? It's not just about the economic future, but about life. Thanks to our current social system, it is now possible to survive an economic fiasco. You may be poor, but at least you're alive.

  Risk information from a war consultant

An attack on Serbia would be a case of alliance for Russia as the protecting power of Serbia and could cause Russia to enter the war.

There is the French-Russian alliance. So France would also enter the war.

Will the Tripartite Alliance with Italy hold? Will Italy go to war on the side of Germany, Austria-Hungary? What happens if Italy remains neutral? What if Italy enters the war against Germany, Austria-Hungary? This possibility is a great danger in war planning.

What, you seriously think that France can be easily defeated thanks to the Schlieffen Plan? If you march through Belgium, you force England to enter the war. England and the USA got on very well again so long after the War of Independence, so the huge industrial potential of the USA would stand against Germany, Austria-Hungary.

What, you think you can effectively prevent supplies from the USA to England with the new wonder weapon, the submarine? What if the USA enters the war after sinking a few ships?

  There was no war consultation

The population was not informed in the slightest about the possible consequences of war. On the contrary, anyone who wanted peace was despised as a traitor to the fatherland. The war-loving military had the naïve idea that we would be celebrating Christmas 1914 at home as decorated war heroes.

All the knowledge about the US Civil War was ignored and led to enormous losses in the first months of the war. In the last year of the US Civil War, the Gatling machine gun was used for the first time.

The romantic notions of the military gave way to the reality of the trenches.

  What a war advisor could not know in 1914

In 1914, all of the above-mentioned war advice was known, quite sufficient to decide in favor of peace. What no war advisor could have known in 1914: Germany was using Lenin as a weapon of war against Russia in 1917. The consequence after the Second World War was the Cold War between the USA and the USSR, where humanity had to tremble for decades about being wiped out in an accidentally triggered thermonuclear war.

In the Cuban Missile Crisis, for example, US destroyers harassed a USSR submarine to the utmost without any idea that this submarine had torpedoes with nuclear warheads.

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Nonpolitical, pragmatic, on the other side of ideologies counts in our politic only one target: A long time lasting civilization able to develop further on a stable base.

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  The consequences of the First World War

What would the world look like today if the warmongers had not succeeded after the assassination on the heir to the throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Other timeline without World War 1
What would have happened if the warmongers had not succeeded in 1914, if there had been no First World War? A completely different world would have developed!

What would the state of the climate crisis be without World War 1?
Perhaps the first climate conference would not have been in Rio in 1992, but in Stockholm in 1932. Perhaps climate change would already be a largely solved problem today.

The balance sheet of the warmongers
An assessment of the consequences of the First World War in a world where it did not take place. Never again, we must learn from it!

          After the assassination in Sarajevo in 1914: After the assassination, enthusiasm for the war was stirred up in Austria-Hungary. Completely irresponsible warmongers had no idea of the consequences.

Context description:  politics political