Emission trading climate conference CopenhagenThe trading and auction system is only suitable to optimize our not suitable energy system a little bit, but not for a durable new system.
The trading system is not capable to give the dirt a reasonable price leading to reasonable measures. With the prices in the CO2 trade system, it's possible to replace an old carbon power plant with 35% efficiency with a new one with 50% efficiency, but not the necessary total change of our energy system. For the broad majority of the population seems the system like something only requiring money. What requires money is something to fight against. So what does the citizen? He takes enthusiastic rumors distributed by the stuck in the mud fossiles about the "climate swindle".
Much different is the PEGE proposal changes in the tax system. A redistibution from taxes on human work to taxes towards CO2-emissions and area usage. Yes, right, the usage of ground hat to be taxed because otherwise solar electric power and wind energy become a license to print money. Area has to be taxed, because otherwise, they will destroy the jungle and make there the inefficient energy plants. Extrem longtime ground usage has to be taxed, in order to give atomic power waste and CCS Carbon Capture and Storage a nice price shield.
But because of the decreasing social security payments at employers and employees chears 95% of the population about it. |