Coal power plant in emission trade

The emission trade promotes coal power plants. Economic calculation when a very old lignite power plant with 1200g CO2/kWh is replaced by a high efficient with 900g CO2/kWh

  Coal power plant in emission trade
The emission trade promotes coal power plants. Economic calculation when a very old lignite power plant with 1200g CO2/kWh is replaced by a high efficient with 900g CO2/kWh

  500 MW lignite power plant modernize

Base load power plant with 8000 hours usage per year. This mean 4 TWh electric power per year. With a recudtion from 1200 to 900 g CO2 per kWh, 1.2 million tons CO2 less per year. The new power plant is designed for a service life of 40 years, from 2010 to 2050, so it saves 48 million tons CO2 compared to the old and long time writen off power plant

Here finances the emission trade a new high efficient lignite power plant with 960 million EUR. In addition, the less use of coal.

  Emission trade furthers wrong

Coal power plants have to be terminated, not furthered. Electric mobility should be reached as fast as possible. With the saved gasoline and diesel can CCPP produce so much electric power, that coal power plants can be replaced.. The emission trade cares, that coal power plants will run even 2050, but does not contribute much to electric mobility.

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  Climate conference Copenhagen sensless?

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Emission trading climate conference Copenhagen
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          Coal power plant in emission trade: The emission trade promotes coal power plants. Economic calculation when a very old lignite power plant with 1200g CO2/kWh is replaced by a high efficient with 900g CO2/kWh

Context description:  Copenhagen climate change conference talk talks conferences GHG green house gases CO2 carbon dioxide carbondioxide event events date time month 12 Dec December autumn fall winter
politics political