The quarrel about the imperator's beardFrance and Germany support the target of the EU commission to reduce the emission of Carbon Dioxide until 2012 to 120 g CO2/km at cars.Details should the envionment ministers work out.
This is an old spell about the beard of the last Austrian imperator Franz Josef.(1830-1916) and should express how sensless a discussion is.. What will it cost 2012 to burn as much extrem expensive fuel, to emit 120g CO2/km? 120g CO2/km are equal to 4,5 Liter Diesel or 5,1 Liter gasoline. This quantity could cost 2012 around 15.-EUR. The question is, will a car producer be able 2012 to sell such uneconomic cars? Just right now are news about less SUVs sold, GM planes to close factories producing SUVs and changes to up to date plug-in hybrird cars. A Chinese cell phone battery producer purchased 2003 a car facgtroy, to sell in the future not only 4 Wh Akku per cell phone, but 20,000 Wh battery per Plug-in hybrid car. Just like at the less 50% CO2 until 2050 are here the politicians overrun by the development of the situtation.
The German finance minister ist one of the best experts about photovoltaic price development. His clerks can study the balance sheets of all the German solar companies. So the EEG can be seen as a price prognosis for photovoltaic. For new built systems in 2012, the energy delivery taif is 0.3277 EUR. 15 kWh electric power will replace 5 litre Diesel. 15 kWh solar electric power will cost in Germany which is not a sunny country only 4.92 EUR.