Oil price and economic growthDo we want recession? The dedicing question is not how high the oil price is in a recession, but at 2% economic growth.
The first precept of economy offer and demand determine the price. It seems all fossile sutck in the mud want to ignore this, when it comes to the necessity of a fast change to renewable energy. Do we want recession? No! Do we want a economic crisis? No! That are exactly the circumstances which reduced the oil price. The demand has been so much reduced, that the offer was not more to sell for $145.
In the article"Fossile recession I showed January 23th about this connection. But it seems this is not an aceptable truth for the stuck in the mud fossils.
Every effort to stop the economic crisis with a request to consume more fossil energy is sentenced to fail. Each economic growth base on the consume of fossil energy will be destroied by an exploding oil price within month.