Being poor is expensiveBecause of lack of trust from the bank, a poor can not finance profitable improvements and has to spent excessively money for obsolete technology.
He is the typical inhabitant of a development country. He drives 10.000 km a year with his scooter. 3 litre gasoline for 100km cost him 28.-EUR per month. With a credit, he could buy an electric scooter, his own refueling station, a photovoltaic system, but no bank gives him a credit.
He has electric power, but very unreliably. Each day are planed power outages and unplaned outages. But this improves with each freedom. A virtual power plant formed by all the photovoltaic systems and batteries make the grid stable, increases the efficiency of fossile power plants, only full power, no unfavorable partial load, until the fossile plants are superfluous. His brother lives on the country without public grid. The few already purchased freedom packs form there a local power grid for the village. When he returns in the evening with his electric scooter, all stationary batteries will together recharge his scooter. |