Iran attacks on ships

Who benefits from attacks on ships in the Gulf of Oman? The attack on the Borussia team bus is a prime example of an investigation on the stock exchange.

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Sergej W had a theory on this: you buy a huge quantity of put warrants on the Borussia Dortmund share, reduce the value of the share by a terrorist attack on the Borussia Dortmund team bus, that increases the value of the put warrants gigantically. However, the very unusual actions on the stock exchange attracted attention, he is now in prison.

But what about big players on the stock market who are constantly trading oil? To get some confused characters to attack ships and bet on higher oil prices at the same time? Perhaps also on shares in the US defence industry, which are rising due to increased demand for bombs and missiles?

Perhaps an investigation into unusual transactions on the stock exchange is not only useful in the case of the attack on Borussia Dortmund.

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          Iran attacks on ships: Who benefits from attacks on ships in the Gulf of Oman? The attack on the Borussia team bus is a prime example of an investigation on the stock exchange.

Context description:  politics political