Stable economic system

We need a robust economy and tax system even stable at $150 oil price and -10 percent economic growth.

  Speed 1994 - the film - the similitude

The driver in the film speed is no mad speedster, no, he makes it in his responsibilty for the passengers in the bus. Less than 50 mph and the bomb in the bus explodes.

In the same way, our politicians are not complete mad. Our politicians act in responisbilty for the population. Less than 0% economic growth and the system crashes.

  Solution 1: Defuse bomb,   Solution 2: Stable economic system

In both cases is a solution. At the film speed, it would be enough to defuse the bomb and the driver would drive secure and responsible.

And before a politician starts to speech and asks the question "Do You want the total economic war", only to hold the economic growth above zero, we should change to a reasonable .

Politics - political targets of PEGE Politics - political targets of PEGE
Nonpolitical, pragmatic, on the other side of ideologies counts in our politic only one target: A long time lasting civilization able to develop further on a stable base.

Philosophy Philosophy
Long-term planning and stability have to be the guiding rules of politics. A philosophy based on the mathematic branch of games theory.

Living standard
What is living standard? How is living standard correctly measured? Is it possible, that our living standard declines drastic, while uncorrect numbers want to make us belive it's like paradise?

Taxes tax politics
The consequences of the tax politic for humans and environment. The politicians claim to fight for humans and the environment, but the tax politics shows the exact opposit.

Energy politic
Decades of wrong energy politic. Instead of more living standard with less energy usage, partial the contrary was reached. A result of the wrong tax politic.

  Understand politicians

How can be speech and actions of politicians be so different? Simple explained by the similitude “Speed“ in what dilemma are current politicians.

Speed the film - the similitude
I thought an action movie for adrenalin junkies. 10 years later, I have to recognice that this film is a similitude of our society.

Economic growth
How can be the fight for economic growth at all costs be explained? Have we lived so much worse before, do we live now su much better?

Oil stock and the exit from oil
Why not a much faster exit from fossil energy? Why such lame measures at an gigantic burning economic problem?

          Stable economic system: We need a robust economy and tax system even stable at $150 oil price and -10 percent economic growth.

Context description:  politics political