Case example tax reform: cabs company

Case example tax reform: cabs company
Transcript for the video “100 billion EUR economy program“. Part 20 - the first step for the reconstruction of the tax system to make German ready for the future. YouTube Video  

Transcript for the video ''100 billion EUR economy program''. Part 20 - the first step for the reconstruction of the tax system to make German ready for the future. YouTube Video

  At the employers

We evaluate a cabs company. All the day only car driving and Diesel will be 26,6 EUR Cent excl VAT more expensive.

Big surprise. even the cabs company saves money, because even at the caps company, less social security payment for the driver is more than paying more for the fuel.

  Background information

Munich cabs company, 2 Toyota Prius, 4 drivers, 120.000 km per year with 6 litre / 100 km (39 mpg)

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  100 billion EUR economic boom program for Germany

Make Germany ready for the future. Cheap fossil energy subsidized by high taxed human work leads direct in an economic disaster.

Tax calculator for redistribution by CO2 tax
Will You be a winner or looser at the 100 billion economic boom program and tax reform? Javascript calculator for the first step of the tax reform demanded by PEGE.

Drive cars with solar electric power cheaper than with Diesel Drive cars with solar electric power cheaper than with Diesel
Transcript for the video ''100 billion EUR economy program''. Part 29 - the first step for the reconstruction of the tax system to make German ready for the future. YouTube Video

          Case example tax reform: cabs company:

Context description:  tax reform event events date time month 7 Jul July summer
politics political