SPD Ulrich Kelber: Top runner policyGermany wants for all electric devices create in Brussels a top runner policy. This means that the model with the lowest consumption becomes after some years obligatory standard for all similar products.,
The standards have to follow available technology. But please not only at electtric devices! Modern electric scooters like the E-Max S are a complete new standard for nose, exhaust gases and consumption at scooters. We can do much for the environment, when this becomes obligatory standard in some years.
This is exactly the solution for our outcry for climate protection in our despair about stick-in-the-muds scooter dealers thinking a scooter has to be lound and has to stink.
When consumption, noise and exhaust gases of an electric scooter become obligatory standard, the gasoline scooters will simple disappear. For the first time will a complete class of gasoline vehicles disappear from the market and be replaced by electric vehicles. After all, our test consumption from 4,14 kWh / 100km corresponds at the German electric power mix from 550g CO2/kWh only 23 g CO2/km. This means for a gasoline scooter to consume less than 1 litre gasoline to be equal. With each photovoltaic, with each new wind power plant decreases the CO2 emission per kWh electric power. At an electric power mix of 400g CO2 / kWh, the gasoline scooter would have to consume only 0.7 litre / 100km |