Angela Merkel CO2 limit for cars

Thursday September 13th at 11:39 at the fair booth of Opel on the IAA. Merkel takes place in the prototype, which shows, that the CO2 limits for the car industry

Angela Merkel CO2 limit for cars
Thursday September 13th at 11:39 at the fair booth of Opel on the IAA. Merkel takes place in the prototype, which shows, that the CO2 limits for the car industry

can be made much more radikal. With this plug-in hybrid creates GM new facts, which make it possible for the politics to demand new climate targets from the car industry.
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          Angela Merkel CO2 limit for cars: Thursday September 13th at 11:39 at the fair booth of Opel on the IAA. Merkel takes place in the prototype, which shows, that the CO2 limits for the car industry

Context description:  Angela Merkel German prime minster Germany CO2 limit limits car industry event events date time month 9 Sep Sept September summer autumn fall 2007-09-13
German politics political 2007