Video dir -

Catalog page 01: Thumbnails directory over all videos on .

US election
Imagine this would be the video from an election campaing for the US-presidency. Would he have a chance in todays US? Or would he be stopped by a ''We can not''?

We need an international organization for the oil exit We need an international organization for the oil exit
At the ''Global Economic Leaders Summit'' in Changchun, Roland Mösl gives. September 5th a key note about the necessity to invest in a fast oil exit.

Symbol of the achievement society Symbol of the achievement society
More and more exports must be made so that increasingly expensive crude oil can be imported. No economy can survive that in the long run. This video symbolizes this.

USA future 2030 USA future 2030 - citizen against government waste shows in this video drastic how the proportion USA China will develop until 2030.

US before Hyperinflation? US before Hyperinflation?
How dangerouse is the game of US with the US$? The web site shows it in a drastic SF video.