Destructive Cult

Aberrations of mankind caused incredible destruction caused by wrong ideas. The total madness of Nazi racial doctrine, Pol Pot, the''economics''.

Follow-up environmental costs
The way economic scientists deal with follow-up costs for the environment. Trusting in a ''science'' that ignores the requirement of survival.

Cloud Cuckoo Land
An ideal world where there is a precise correspondence between theory and reality. The world in which economc science functions perfectly.

Accusation against economic science
By pretending to know about economy, by pretending to be a science, there had been caused damage beyond measure.

We have to export more at any price
The export trade is thousands of years old, but today, the majority of states are caught up in an export race. Everyone has to export more to pay their oil bills.

US oil imports
An outstanding example of how the achievement society favours solutions that lead to instability is the USA's dependency on oil imports.

Achievement society Achievement society
What are the effects of an achievement society? Where is it leading us? Can an achievement society solve our problems or is it the cause of these problems?

Politics - political targets of PEGE Politics - political targets of PEGE
Nonpolitical, pragmatic, on the other side of ideologies counts in our politic only one target: A long time lasting civilization able to develop further on a stable base.

Philosophy Philosophy
Long-term planning and stability have to be the guiding rules of politics. A philosophy based on the mathematic branch of games theory.

Living standard
What is living standard? How is living standard correctly measured? Is it possible, that our living standard declines drastic, while uncorrect numbers want to make us belive it's like paradise?

Taxes tax politics
The consequences of the tax politic for humans and environment. The politicians claim to fight for humans and the environment, but the tax politics shows the exact opposit.

Energy politic
Decades of wrong energy politic. Instead of more living standard with less energy usage, partial the contrary was reached. A result of the wrong tax politic.


Long-term planning and stability have to be the guiding rules of politics. A philosophy based on the mathematic branch of games theory.

          Destructive Cult: Aberrations of mankind caused incredible destruction caused by wrong ideas. The total madness of Nazi racial doctrine, Pol Pot, the''economics''.

Context description:  politics political