Energy politic

Decades of wrong energy politic. Instead of more living standard with less energy usage, partial the contrary was reached. A result of the wrong tax politic.

Omission resulting in death Omission resulting in death
The omission to follow the IEA study about measures against a fast increasing oil price can be fast much more than only an economic damage.

Oil exit
Take demand pressure out of the oil market, slow down the increase of the oil price, more is at -4% less oil production per year short-term not possible. Change to a world without crude oil.

Photovoltaic EEG tarifs Germany Photovoltaic EEG tarifs Germany
The German government parties have agreed to a new energy entry law (EEG). For photovoltaic on buildings 2009 and 2010 8% less, 9% less starting 2011.

Cheap energy as a roadblock against the progress
Cheap energy means cheap botch up instead of high quality solutions. Examples from car technic, building technic and computer technic show, how innovation is inhibited

Critics on energy politic
The energy politic in the western industrial countries matches in stubbornness and incorrigibleness the politics in the east block from 1980 to 1989. A politics of demise.

Crude oil politics and the urgent exit from crude oil
How many times has the cycle oil price explosion recession to take place, until politics and economy realize, that a stable economy is only possible with renewable energy.

Politics - political targets of PEGE Politics - political targets of PEGE
Nonpolitical, pragmatic, on the other side of ideologies counts in our politic only one target: A long time lasting civilization able to develop further on a stable base.

Philosophy Philosophy
Long-term planning and stability have to be the guiding rules of politics. A philosophy based on the mathematic branch of games theory.

Living standard
What is living standard? How is living standard correctly measured? Is it possible, that our living standard declines drastic, while uncorrect numbers want to make us belive it's like paradise?

Taxes tax politics
The consequences of the tax politic for humans and environment. The politicians claim to fight for humans and the environment, but the tax politics shows the exact opposit.

          Energy politic: Decades of wrong energy politic. Instead of more living standard with less energy usage, partial the contrary was reached. A result of the wrong tax politic.

Context description:  politics political