The Ecofascist SyndromeThe preservation of enemy images always has top priority over genuine and effective measures. Ecofascism unmasked.There is logic, there is physics, there are data and the opposite is eco-fascism. When I started working on the project GEMINI inhabited solar power plant in the autumn of 1991, I got the book "Recknagel and Sprenger" for studying heating and climatic engineering. At that time this book had only 1600 pages, now more than 2000 pages. This book is a concentrated load of logic, physics, and data, and led in my first book "Advance to solar age" 1992 to the evaluation energy model 2040. Core statement: In a transition to 100% renewable energy, the demand for electricity in Germany will increase from 500 TWh to 1200 TWh, because almost all direct thermal energy consumers are switched to electricity.
The electric power demand will decrease. How so? No eco-fascist was ever able to give me an answer. Pseudo-plans for 100% renewable energy were published, which reminded us of a new development of the Morgenthauplan. In 2013, I re-examined my statements from 1992 and used all the new findings on storage technology in the calculations. Electricity demand 1200 TWh, electricity generation 1500 TWh because 300 TWh losses in summer / winter compensation. When would a study come to similar figures?
On June 20, 2016, the miracle finally took place, but unfortunately I was only reminded by a reader's e-mail on 28th November: Sector coupling by the energy change (Sorry - only German) Requirements for the expansion of renewable energies of the Paris Climate Protection Goals, taking into account the Sector coupling Author Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Volker Quaschning Core statement: In a transition to 100% renewable energy, the demand for electricity in Germany will increase from 600 TWh to 1300 TWh, as almost all direct thermal energy consumers are switched to electricity. The switch to renewable energy should be accelerated somewhat to be completed in 2040 and not until 2150.
I then asked a profound connoisseur of the scene about the reaction to this study, great shock because of the great similarities to the start times of the GEMINI project. So in 1992 I was discussing the GEMINI project with a Greens. His reaction: "I hate the GEMINI project because if someone can recharge his car with the current from his house roof, I have no more arguments to prohibit driving." In the book "Advance to solar age" there was the charge track for electric cars. In the Prof. Quaschning study, there are overhead lines for trucks on main roads important for freight traffic. Really the reaction from the scene: "If the truck drives with green electricity, we have no more arguments to fight the truck."
In the eco-fascist scene, one always hears Hasstriaden on capitalism. He is evil and greedy and destroys the world. But how does the eco-fascist scene react to the demand for a tax reform to guide capitalism through a new tax system for the benefit of mankind? The reaction can be summarized in one sentence: The preservation of enemy images always has top priority at all times
Real climate protection means an investment avalanche - innovation avalache - economic boom. Ecofascism, on the other hand, has to be classified as type 2 climatic change denier, because it only wants to use climate change as a vehicle for the implementation of its dictatorship, but strictly rejects effective measures. The Enlightenment work for the new political forces on real climate protection in the sense of investment avalanche - innovation avalanche - economic boom vs. eco-fascism currently has top priority for PEGE. |