
Fundamentalism is the persistent refusal to apply the three central concepts of ethics. It is extreme fanaticism, which turns against ethics.

  Central concept: Knowledge is a prerequisite for ethics

Fundamentalism restricts itself to a single source of knowledge. Fundamentalism refuses to examine this single source of knowledge from the prespective of changed circumstances and new insights.

  Central concept 2: Knowledge changes what ethical decisions are

Fundamentalists are not open to changing their mind about ethical decisions. As only a single, static source of knowledge is recognised as the universal solution, as the universal salvation, all other knowledge is excluded.

  Central concept 3: Ethics forces us to verify knowledge

Fundamentalism refuses to verify knowledge. It is a refusal to think.

  relegere vs. religare

These three central concepts of ethics precisely describe the original meaning of religion:

Latin relegere: "to consider carefully, to contemplate, to think about repeatedly, to be thoughtful in view of an important issue“.

Centuries later, the derivation of the word religion was held to be:

Latin religare: "to tie to something, to bind fast", which tends in the direction of the definition of fundamentalism.

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  Unethicalness - confusion leading towards doom

Ethics as the science of survival, unethicalness as confusion, as illogical behaviour that continually decreases the quality of survival, leads ever further towards doom.

All fundamentalists are simiilar in that they reject the three central concepts of ethics, as the tragic events on 22 July 2011 in Norway made plain once again.

          Fundamentalism: Fundamentalism is the persistent refusal to apply the three central concepts of ethics. It is extreme fanaticism, which turns against ethics.

Context description:  politics political