We need an international organization for the oil exit

At the ''Global Economic Leaders Summit'' in Changchun, Roland Mösl gives. September 5th a key note about the necessity to invest in a fast oil exit.

We need an international organization for the oil exit
At the “Global Economic Leaders Summit“ in Changchun, Roland Mösl gives. September 5th a key note about the necessity to invest in a fast oil exit.

Picture: IEA WEO   - PDF with the speech

Press release for the oil exit
Annoncement of the key note September 5th at the ''Global Economic Leaders Summit'' in Changchun.press release as PDF

Each oil consume causes demand pressure
Each million more demand than offer on the market raises the oil price by US$20. Javascript calculator what worldwide oil consumers have to pay more.

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          We need an international organization for the oil exit: At the ''Global Economic Leaders Summit'' in Changchun, Roland Mösl gives. September 5th a key note about the necessity to invest in a fast oil exit. https://politics.pege.org/2011-oil-exit/

Context description:  politics political