Danger low oil priceJanuary 24th 2009: Claudia Kemfert, leader of the department for energy at the DIW German institut for economic resarch reveals the dangers of a low oil price.
PEGE published Octover 13th 2008 an article about the dangers of a low oil price. We are happy, that 3 month 11 days later, the DIW joins our oppinion.
Each day, Google Alerts brings news about the oil price. All consumers and counties having to import oil had been happy about the low price. The dangers had been not mentioned. Exactly the same people reading astonished some month earlier, how expensive the development of a new oil well is. Oil wells only possible to develop because of the high oil price. This was all forgotten.
At the new years speech 2009 PEGE mentioned again the problem to develop new oil weils. What oil price can a bank calculate to finance the development of new oil wells? Let's assume the oil price raises again 2010. After one year from $40 to $200, after this, economy collapses again. The oil price sinks in a half year from $200 to $40 and remains there for the next 1.5 years. In this cycle of oil price explosion and consequent fossil depression is the average only $80, not enough to give a credit. |