After the bulb: the 45km/h gasoline scooterEnergy saving lamps are several times more efficient than the bulb. The same applies in the 45km/h class for the energy efficiency of electric scooters against gasoline scooters.The bulb was only inefficient and is forbidden by the EU. Much worse than the bulb is the 2 stroke gasoline scooter, because of his characteristics also called rattle stink scooter. The smell and noise is easy perceptible in 500m distance.
Take the oil prognosis of the IEA in the WEO 2008 serious. When You do not trust the IEA, founded by the OECD countries after the first oil crisis, whom else do You trust? Not the phantastic part with develop 6 times the production of Saudi Arabia new until 2030, but the real part with step declining production of existing oil fields. My last test with the Solar Scooter Sport brought 4,22 kWh / 100km consumption. Theoretical, when electric power would be produced by gasoline in a CCPP, this would be 0,8 litre/100km (294 mpg). But the electric scooter runs with any electric power mix, saves even with electric power from lignite against the gasoline scooter.
Electric scooters can reach far higher numbers than the gasoline scooter. The electric scooter can surpass the bicyle, the 45km/h gasoline scooter has an extrem bad image "vehicle for puberties with the motto, who has the most noisy exhaust pipe can take the most stupid bride" and for luck no chance to surpass the bicycle. 50 million electric scooters in the EU with 2000 km a year can save drives with the electric scooter and mainly with the car for 5 billion litres fuel. A saving potential very similar to the forbiddance of the bulb. |