After the CO2 taxWhen with increasing CO2 tax more and more of social expenses are covered, it's necessary to think about decreasing income of the CO2 tax.The first example for the introduction of a CO2 tax had been 10 Cent per kg finance 600.-EUR exempted amount at the social security insurance. At the current emissions are 10 Cent per kg in Germany 90 billion EUR. But it's not possible to stop there. Next step 20 Cent per kg, but it would be absurd, the tax revenues would be 180 billion to distribute new. The emissions will decrease. When the system "Golden west V2.0" is introduced, it should be 25 Cent per kg and estimated 175 billion EUR in Germany.
Step by step is the tax system changed, the tariffs for the CO2 tax increased, but the revenes will start to decline. This has to be clear from the start away, the CO2 tax is an oddment, exactly as our civilization depending on fossil energy is an oddment.