Correction of a fundamental political failureWe have no time machine to talk with German prime minister Bismarck about funding the social insurance by a tax on coal.
This would be a very interesting theme for many dissertations, political and economic simulations. But because we can not change the past, this would be only an analysis how much worse, we live today compared to what would have been possible.
For decades, increasing life expectancy caused increasing payment to the social insurance, increased the pressure on companies to decrease the number of employees, to transfer workplaces in cheap countries, even to have less children, to solve this problem by immigration. In the other world, the increasing life expectancy would have increased for decades the taxes on energy. The pressure to save energy and to produce energy from renewable sources would have been systematical increased. The two worlds are so far away from each other, that the failure can not be corrected in one step. The correction is only possible in many small steps. The first small step is the 100 billion EUR economic program and tax reform for Germany. |