Titanic: speed is important

Factor: Sister ship ''Olympic'' and maiden voyage record The Titanic shall cross the Atlantic faster than the sister ship ''Olympic'' one year before.

The Titanic shall perform the fastest maiden voyage of it's ship class and has to be faster as the "Olympic".
The sinking of the Titanic commented by Michael Palomino.
The Compare to our current situation by Roland Mösl.

  The duell of the ship lines - election campaign of today

Populismus for promotion instead of security. The passengers or the voting masses betrayed and sold from the advertising people of the ship lines or the election strategists of the political parties.

The ship lines meant to get more passengers, when the own ships are faster.

The political parties in election campaign mean to get more votes for promising more economic growth.

Politics - political targets of PEGE Politics - political targets of PEGE
Nonpolitical, pragmatic, on the other side of ideologies counts in our politic only one target: A long time lasting civilization able to develop further on a stable base.

Philosophy Philosophy
Long-term planning and stability have to be the guiding rules of politics. A philosophy based on the mathematic branch of games theory.

Living standard
What is living standard? How is living standard correctly measured? Is it possible, that our living standard declines drastic, while uncorrect numbers want to make us belive it's like paradise?

Taxes tax politics
The consequences of the tax politic for humans and environment. The politicians claim to fight for humans and the environment, but the tax politics shows the exact opposit.

Energy politic
Decades of wrong energy politic. Instead of more living standard with less energy usage, partial the contrary was reached. A result of the wrong tax politic.

  The sinking of Titanic - peak oil and climate disaster

A study of the sinking of the Titanic shows staggering parallelism with our current situation with peak oil and climate change.

Titanic disaster: Ignore warnings
Factor: Private telegrams - overloaded radio operators - the officers are laughing at the ice warnings of other ships

Titanic: Factor: Full speed despite the ice-field
Despite of all warnings the speed of the Titanic is not reduced. Thereby the Titanic is amidst the ice-field already and the officers know about it.

Last warning to the Titanic
Factor: Also the last ice warning from the ship ''California'' is not passed to the bridge - the captain goes sleeping...

Titanic full ahead in dark night
Factor: Missing binoculars - dark night - and full speed ahead yet. On the bridge of the Titanic two officers are looking for icebergs, without binoculars, because they do not know where they are.

The collision of the Titanic
1912-4-14, [23:40] The logic consequence: Confrontation with an iceberg The two officers detect an iceberg ahead, much too late.

Damage report of the Titanic
Factor investigation: One whole hour is needed to have the whole damage reported

The sinking of the Titanic commented by Michael Palomino.
The Compare to our current situation by Roland Mösl.
          Titanic: speed is important: Factor: Sister ship ''Olympic'' and maiden voyage record The Titanic shall cross the Atlantic faster than the sister ship ''Olympic'' one year before. https://politics.pege.org/2008-titanic/speed-is-important.htm

Context description:  Titanic sinking disaster catastrophe compared to present time current situation situations comparing with parallel parallels climate change peak oil peakoil
politics political