The collision of the Titanic1912-4-14, [23:40] The logic consequence: Confrontation with an iceberg The two officers detect an iceberg ahead, much too late.It is a "blue" or "black" iceberg which has turnd around himself already. Therefore his surface is not white but is as smooth as glass and glassy blue and almost invisable in the darkness. The bridge has 30 seconds time yet to veer. The commanding officer decides to drive back so the rudder is overloaded and blocking. So the Titanic is also disabled: The rudder is defect. When he had cut a sharp corner this perhaps had not happened. [Speculations if there is a guilt within the breaking maneuver are absolutely not relevant because the main faults are within the priorities: During the whole trip safety was neglected, darwinism was celebrated, and there was a run for a new speed record, so this is also darwinism]. The Titanic is driving against the iceberg at the top and is caved in on one third of the whole length. The blanks are springing off and the water is breaking it's way into the lowest parts of the ship (bulkheads) on one third of the length. The sinking of the Titanic commented by Michael Palomino. The Compare to our current situation by Roland Mösl.
I was myself January 2007 at an event about peak oil. Wile a few people had been concerned, politicians and economic leaders thought to waste more oil. |