Conjuncture program for GermanyEconomy should grow, but in what direction? The consume should increase, but from what? Proposal from PEGE for a targeted conjuncture program for more living standard.
Social insurance duty like before, but the first 600.-EUR income per month is deducted from the calculation base. Who earns 600.-EUR per month does not pay social insurance. Who erans 1000.-EUR a month has only to pay for 400.-EUR calculation base of social insurance.
This brings an self employeed 200.-EUR more per month. At employes, the savings is splited between employe and employer.
It should be more consumed, that's right, but at the same time should be promoted the exit from fossil energy and the climate protection. 900 million tons CO2 are at 10 Cent per kg 90 billion EUR. Another time 10 billion EUR for the tax on atomic power.