The meaning of life revealed

Game theory reveals: development of intelligent forms of life like humans is necessary to maintain all forms of life for a long time.

  A something like the fire department

If You are the major of a city again and again burned down,
then You will come to the conclusion: I need a fire department.

If You are a player in the game of life and You see again and again the terrible destruction after a meteorite hit then You will come to the conclusion:

I need something to protect a planet

This something is humanity. The first application of game theory at the game of life has found at last one task for humanity:

Protect Earth for the next some billion years

  Let's be cooperative in the game of life

A common observation at games in general: it's better to be cooperative with the ongoing game, with the rules and with the targets. For example, if the game is named football, the trainer will not like a passive player just standing around. And beware a player who wants to leave an ongoing game!

The current target for the next 40 years is: total change to renewable energy. You can not protect Earth for some billion years, if You waste all Your resources in less than some hundred years. 40 years is much for a short living human body, but it is only a single frame in the movie of eternity.

The next target is: develop a starship technology that You can handle a 100km stone with the same security like the world master in billiard handles an easy push.

Politics - political targets of PEGE Politics - political targets of PEGE
Nonpolitical, pragmatic, on the other side of ideologies counts in our politic only one target: A long time lasting civilization able to develop further on a stable base.

Philosophy Philosophy
Long-term planning and stability have to be the guiding rules of politics. A philosophy based on the mathematic branch of games theory.

Living standard
What is living standard? How is living standard correctly measured? Is it possible, that our living standard declines drastic, while uncorrect numbers want to make us belive it's like paradise?

Taxes tax politics
The consequences of the tax politic for humans and environment. The politicians claim to fight for humans and the environment, but the tax politics shows the exact opposit.

Energy politic
Decades of wrong energy politic. Instead of more living standard with less energy usage, partial the contrary was reached. A result of the wrong tax politic.

  1996 political philosophy as guiding principle

Politics has not to degenerate to the administration of redistribution fights. Politics has to be more. Politics has to design future visions where people can orientate.

Establish targets for humanity
To establish targets, first a task has to be found. At searching a task is the mathematical method of game theory very usefull.

Game theory: Let's start with a very simple game: Tic Tac Toe Game theory: Let's start with a very simple game: Tic Tac Toe
An area of mathematics science is called game theory. There are rules, options to act, win- and lose situations.

Game theory: reconstruct the rules by watching a chess game Game theory: reconstruct the rules by watching a chess game
Imagine You don't know chess and You watch an ongoing game. You watch move 5 to 40. You watch very carefully and You try to reconstruct all the rules of the game.

Let's try to assume rules in the game of life
The most complex game is the game of life. We are in the same situation like the observer of the chess game who don't know the rules.

          The meaning of life revealed: Game theory reveals: development of intelligent forms of life like humans is necessary to maintain all forms of life for a long time.

Context description:  event events date time 20 century